Understanding the Uses and Benefits of This Window Product

Window films are a great option to increase the curb appeal of your home or office without needing to commit to an expensive and time-consuming window replacement process. The right window film can meet almost any need, including solar control, security and safety, and aesthetics.

What are Window Films?

Window films are comprised of a thin, strong sheet of polyester laminate that is treated in variety of ways to improve the look or performance of existing windows when applied. Most films are applied to the interior surface of a glass window in a home, commercial building, or vehicle.  They have a scratch resistant coating on the outer surface to protect the film.


Window film is generally made of polyester or Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET).

The performance and durability of the window film selected are determined by the types and quality of the components and construction used.

The essential components include:

  • A release liner with silicone coating
  • An adhesive layer with UV inhibitor
  • A clear or tinted polyester film
  • An adhesive layer
  • A metallized layer for heat rejection on clear polyester film
  • A scratch-resistant coating

Dyes, metals, alloys and UV inhibitors are added to produce the specific properties desired.

Uses & Benefits of Window Films

Save on Energy Costs

One of the most important and talked-about benefit of window films is its potential to noticeably lower your energy bill. When treated to a high-quality professional film, windows will bleed out less heat and AC. This means that heat will be conserved through the winter, and repelled during the summer, giving your HVAC systems a rest and saving you money on fuel and electricity costs.

Protect your Furniture

Excessive sun exposure can fade and damage your precious furniture findings, but not if you have window films! Window film offers UV protection that will minimize the damage doled out by the sun’s rays. This means that your carpets, rugs, artwork, wood flooring, and furniture pieces are less likely to fade, extending their life. Window films allow you to keep your interior décor in shape while still being able to enjoy the sun.

Added Safety & Security

Windows are the most vulnerable parts of any building. Window panes are always at risk of breaking during extreme weather conditions. Window films add an extra layer of protection and eliminate the risk of shattering, preventing cutting glass shards from spraying into the home and potentially harming anyone.

Increased Privacy

Window films provide both light and obscure a room’s interior to unwanted audiences. This makes window films an excellent choice for rooms requiring extra privacy, such as bathrooms, bedrooms, and offices.

Glare Reduction

Big windows bring glare issues at a certain time of the day. Window films can be used to eliminate this troublesome glare by up to 87%, relaxing your eyes and making it easier to do things like look at computer or television screen free of distracting reflections.

Protection Against UV rays

Standard, unprotected windows allow nearly all of the sun’s harmful UV rays to stream in unchecked, which can damage your skin as if you were outside in the sun. Window films act just like a sunscreen, protecting your skin while allowing you to sit comfortably in sunlit areas. In fact, it is now recommended to use window films as protection against indoor exposure to harmful UV rays.

Decorative Use

Decorative window films often feature a mural design or picturesque stock views, giving ordinary glass a nice aesthetic touch. These films are easy to clean, durable, and can be removed easily and inexpensively without damaging glass.

Types of Window Films

Residential window film comes in two main types: adhesive and non-adhesive clings which adhere to the glass through static cling. Each type has its own set of pros and cons worth considering.

Pros and Cons of Adhesive Window Film

This type of film has a thin 2 mm polyester film that bonds strongly to glass. An adhesive film is a good option if you are looking for a permanent, protective solution, and is often less expensive than non-adhesive film. It is less forgiving and trickier to work with when installing, making it difficult to remove. Another downside is that it cannot be reused.

Pros and Cons of Non-Adhesive Window Film

This is slightly thicker 8 mm vinyl film that’s easy to work with both during installation and removal. Non-adhesive films can be reused but they are less transparent than adhesive films and the static properties attract more dust to the film.

Which One to Choose

Your choice of window films depends on your needs and lifestyle. For example:

  • If you redecorate often or rent a home, use static cling window film which removes easily without leaving residue behind.
  • Use solar film on windows with great outside views if you have furniture upholstery, expensive rugs, or artwork you’d like to protect from daily direct sunlight.
  • Decorative privacy film is a good choice for front doors with inset glass windows and sidelights or bathroom intimacy.
  • If you own a home where high winds from thunderstorms, hurricanes or tornadoes are common, security window film is a smart choice.

So, are you ready to save on energy bills and find comfort in windowed rooms? Consider adding window films in your home and contact the experts at Dalmen Windows and Doors for all your window needs.